
Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Meaning Of Words

When the waiter brings you your food at a restaurant, you say thank you. When you receive gifts on Christmas, you say thank you. When someone says thank you, you say your welcome. When someone says I love you, you say I love you too. But do you ever think about what your saying and really, truly mean it? Or do you just say it automatically and not think about it at all? Is it possible that we say these words so often that they completely lose their meaning? I think yes. To be completely honest, when I say thank you to someone giving me my food I'm trying to be polite. I'm not thinking about what I'm saying at all. If it's something big, like someone gives me a present I wasn't expecting and I really like for Christmas, then I mean it and I really honestly appreciate it. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate anything else, though. I do. But I know that everyone (including me), at some point in their lives, says thank you, or please, or I love you, like it's nothing. Like it has no meaning, it's just something we all say. It doesn't mean you should feel terrible about it and cry about it, because everyone does it- it's just something I know we all can improve on. The point is- we should try to mean these words when we say them. Thank about what that person is doing for you, how they're somehow making your life easier, and thank them sincerely and mean it. When someone says I love you, look at them and truly love them and give them your heart, and then say it back. You don't have to do it every single time because that's obviously very difficult. And you don't need to spend 5 minutes thinking about all of this, just really mean it. And if you don't think about it at the second it happens (because yes, it would definitely very difficult), think about it when your trying to fall asleep at night. Recognize the people you said thank you to, or who you said you loved, and then mean it. Think about the meaning of those words.

***Please note that I wasn't trying to offend anyone in any way! This is just my opinion that I wanted to share.

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